
Before we leave in the morning, I wanted to thank you for everything:
-Your dynamite fast response to every initial question we had
-The total accuracy of your details, this allowed us to buy from Australia without ever having physically seen the boat
-Every single thing we asked, you had the answer to and always knew a good tradesman who could help.
Buying through you made the whole process very easy. We have bought yachts before and recognise GREAT service. If you wish to pass my email to any potential customers I will be happy to recommend you.

All the very best and thanks

Andy Doughty
S/V Matilda of Sydney


Dear Yiannis,

I would like to start by saying that I would highly recommend Yiannis to anybody wishing to buy a boat.
As newcomers to this business area, we have needed support and guidance through the process of purchasing a yacht, setting up a charter company and subsequently refitting and upgrading our yacht. Yiannis has been with us every step of the way. His knowledge throughout has been extensive and outstanding.
Yiannis provided us advice on what type of yachts were the best for our intended purpose and within our budget. Once we had decided on what type of yacht he went with us to view a number of yachts, giving an overview of the quality of each on the spot. He even told us what needed upgrading and the costs.
Once we agreed on a yacht he provided all the best contacts we would need – a surveyor, accountant and lawyers to set up the company, and finally even contacts to help us start selling charters.
Nothing is too much to ask for Yiannis. His knowledge and attitude have motivated us throughout. Without his help our dream of starting a yacht charter business in the Ionian would not have become a reality. From all of us Yiannis, Thank you.
Chris, Paul & Christina.
Simply Sail Greece


Hi Yianni!

Javna zahvala.

Želiva se zahvaliti Yiannisu za vso pomoč pri nakupu najine nove jadrnice vGrčiji. Bil je izredno profesionalen, izmenjali smo sištevilne e-maile, na katere je praviloma odgovarjal v izredno kratkem času – največkrat še isti dan. Ker sva imela srečo in našla njega za posrednika (bil jesicer predstavnik prodajalca) sva bila v celotnem procesu nakupa skorajda brez skrbi, da bi utegnilo iti kaj narobe. Yiannis je izreden človek in ga priporočamo vsakomur, ki se zanima za nakup plovila v Grčiji.

Saša & Manuela iz Kopra
(nova ponosna lastnika “Andromede”)


Caro Yannis,

Normalmente não costumo escrever este tipo de carta, mas me sinto especialmente agradecido e simultaneamente, creio poder ajudar a antigos e novos proprietários de barco a finalmente realizarem seu sonho, utilizando sua inestimável ajuda.

Sou proprietário de veleiros a 27 anos, e não e a primeira vez que compro um barco em pais estrangeiro, processo sempre tenso e intricado pois cada pais possui sua praticas e tradições, mas ter conhecido você no ultimo barco, no ultimo dia da segunda viagem de analise de ofertas que me levou por dois continentes desde que eu e minha mulher vendemos nosso antigo veleiro em outubro de 2011, e no caso da ultima viagem, apos 15 voos de avião em 20 dias, foi quase uma providencia divina.

Devo dizer que se não fosse a segurança que sentimos no teu comportamento e nos testemunhos pessoais dos antigos clientes (com osquais falamos pessoalmente) dificilmente teríamos seguido adiante com o negocio em um ambiente empresarial e econômico tão complicado como este da Grécia em 2012.

Sua incrível capacidade de fazer parecer fácil coisas que sabemos que em seu pais não são, a condução rápida e eficiente das negociações e da burocracia grega, superando obstáculos que felizmente para meu coração só me inteirei completamente depois, foram fundamentais para uma experiência suave como se estivesse comprando um carro zero na concessionaria na esquina de minha casa, e não um veleiro usado a 13.000 km de distancia.

Suas sugestões discretas, eficientes e econômicas de soluções para questões fiscais, de registro e de guarda e manutenção do barco recém adquirido foram fundamentais para nossa tranquilidade e economia de recursos mesmo estando tão longe do novo barco.
Sua preocupação em atuar tão intensamente no processo pós venda, muito além do que e comum ou praxe no ramo foi extremamente útile tranquilizador, e uma ajuda inestimável a compradores de longa distancia como nos e que transitam pelo meio náutico grego pela primeira vez.

Finalmente ficamos com a sensação de que além de tudo, podemos contar que temos em você e tua esposa um novo casal de amigos em um novo porto (que assim será por vários anos graças a você, pois não eram nossos planos iniciais).


Bruno Fernandes
Arquiteto – Archi 5 Arquitetos Associados Ltda – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Comandante – Fernandes & Ruiz Ltd – Antigua and Barbuda


To whom it may concern.

I have recently had the pleasure of doing business with Yiannis Drimousis. I purchased a Bavaria 50 in March this year (2012). From the first meeting when we visited Athens and met with Yiannis to view potential yachts to purchase, he found was to be more than helpful, very professional in his attitude and above all, very willing to share his experience and advise accordingly. There were one or two problems which arose, I hasten to add that these were not problems caused by Yiannis, but he was always on hand to sort these out. In particular he was extremely helpful with guiding us through the process of legalities involved in the purchase of a vessel in a foreign country.

I have no problem whatsoever in recommending Yiannis to anyone in the future who is thinking of buying a yacht in Greece.

Regards Andy Dobson (Atlas Sailing Ltd)


Yiannis Drimousis of YDyachts has a knowledge of yachts and yacht systems that in my opinion is first class, and I’ve been sailing for 45 years. He advised us of the finer (and less fine) points of every yacht we examined, and then completed the successful purchase of a Jeanneau 45.2 for us, making it plain sailing. His knowledge of the unwieldy Greek bureaucracy system, how to get a yacht off the Greek registry, then minimize VAT and other liabilities around Europe in the future is essential. He has contacts with excellent surveyors and you should use them. Yiannis is a good man to know, in every sense of the expression.

David Noakes. 00 44 75……….. davidjnoakes@……..uk


Cand ne-am hotarat sa luam un velier am vazut multe vase, atat cu properietarii lor cat si cu brokeri, si pe departe yacht-urile in cea mai buna conditie le-am gasit la YD Yachts (Yannis Drimusis).

Yannis Drimusis este o persoana foarte punctuala si ne-a raspuns la orice intrebare legata de yacht atat telefonic cat si pe mail intr-un timp foarte scurt.

Yannis, vrem sa iti multumim pentru toate sfaturile, informatiile pe care ni le-ai oferit de la prima intalnire si mai ales pentru indrumarea in tot procesul mai ales ca noi nu aveam nici o experienta anterioara.

Tot procesul de achizionare a durat aproximativ 2 luni, datorita multelor hartii si acte care trebuie adunate (birocratie), si iti multumim din toata inima pentru tot suportul acordat aceata perioada. Am reusit sa achizionam yachtul dorit si sa ne si incadram in bugetul disponibil-lucru imposibil fara ajutorul tau.

Multumim din tot sufletul pentru:

– Profesionalismul desavarsit
– gama larga de yachturi prezentate si preturi rezonabile
– pentru raspunsurile la intrebari (telefonic, mail sau fata in fata)
– suportul in timpul procesului de survey si negociere
– suportul depus pentru conexiunea cu vanzatorul si strangerea tutorar
actelor necesare
– suportul depus pe toata perioada procesului de transfer al yachtului

Adriana si Radu

Romania – Grecia


Nach Jahren Charter entschlossen wir uns im Herbst 2011 den geborgten Yachten ade zu sagen und ab der nächsten Saison auf eigenem Kiel unterwegs zu sein.

Unsere Suche begann im Internet wo wir dann auch rasch eine vermeintlich gute Yacht von einem Privatverkäufer ausfindig machten und wir vereinbarten einen Besichtigungstermin in Griechenland. Was uns fehlte war der Sachverständige. So suchten wir im Internet weiter und kamen mit YD-Yachts, Mr. Yiannis Drimousis in Kontakt. Auf seiner Homepage fanden wir sehr gut beschrieben, welche Schritte zu setzen sind um eine Yacht in Griechenland zu kaufen. Ich telefonierte dann mit Yiannis und fragte ihn über Sachverständige, selbstlos nannte uns Yiannis einen sehr kompetenten Sachverständigen, welchen wir dann auch für die Überprüfung der Privatyacht engagierten. Yiannis stand uns bei Fragen über den Ankauf einer Privatyacht immer sehr hilfsbereit zur Seite, jede Anfrage über allgemeine Themen beantwortete er uns, ohne dass wir mit ihm einen Kontrakt hatten! Egal, bei der Überprüfung durch den Sachverständigen stellte sich heraus, dass das gute Privatschnäppchen einen Rumpfschaden (Grundberührung) hatte und wir dadurch von einem Kauf Abstand nahmen. Das bedeutete für uns, weitersuchen.

Unsere neue Suche setzten wir dann auf der Homepage von YD-Yachts fort und wurden dort auch bald fündig, eine Bavaria 36 mit 2 Kabinen, genau so etwas hatten wir gesucht.

Wir traten abermals mit Yiannis in Kontakt, organisierten uns den bereits aus der vorangegangenen Besichtigung bekannten Sachverständigen, Mr. Willliam Walsh aus Piräus, und Anfang Dezember 2011 trafen wir uns, Yiannis mit Gattin, William, der Verkäufer, meine Frau und ich in Thessaloniki um die Wunschyacht zu besichtigen. Bei der Besichtigung stellten wir einige Mängel fest, welche wir vom angeschriebenen Preis reduziert haben wollten. Wir überließen es Yiannis die Verhandlung einer Preisreduktion zu führen. Yiannis verhandelte zu unserer Zufriedenheit und somit unterfertigten wir am 19.12.2011 den Kaufvertrag! Die darauffolgenden notariellen Abwicklungen, Kaufvertrag, Nachweis über bezahlte Mehrwertsteuer, Streichung aus dem griechischen Schiffsregister, usw. wurde zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit rasch abgewickelt und das Beste zum Schluss, die griechischen Amtspapiere wurden alle mit notarieller Beglaubigung ins Englische übersetzt. Die Kosten der Übersetzung und Beglaubigung hat Yiannis übernommen!!!

Die Yacht ist seit 22. Februar 2012 in Österreich registriert und unseren Törns in Griechenland oder sonst wo, steht Dank der kompetenten und raschen Abwicklung von YD-Yachts, Mr. Yiannis Drimousis nichts mehr im Weg. Wir können YD-Yachts uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen!!!

Nochmals herzlichen Dank an Yiannis,

Rainer & Edeltraud Teufl




Now that all of the paperwork has been completed I thought I would draft a short note of thanks.

In particular I would like to thank you for all of the advice, guidance and support you have promptly provided to me during the whole process.

Please feel free to put any of your future potential customers in contact with me should they require someone to attest to how supportive and easy it has been for me to deal with you (Yiannis Drimousis, (YD Yachts). I would single out the following key aspects of the whole process we have just completed:
· Your professional website containing lots of useful information about the whole purchase process (FAQs);
· The large range of yachts that you have on your website for consideration;
· Your support during the survey and negotiation part of the process;
· Your follow up support in helping organise minor modifications to my boat and a temporary site (boatyard) until I commence sailing next April;
· Your ability to manage our discussions and negotiations from one end of the world (Greece to Australia) to the other; and
· Your patient, open and honest appraisal of each of the many boats that I considered over the last 3-4 months.
Once again thanks for your help. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to anyone looking to buy (or sell) a yacht in Greece.

Best wishes,

Philip Norris (Adelaide, South Australia)


Beste Yiannis,

Vanmiddag ontving ik de scheeps documenten en zoals gebruikelijk was alles conform afspraak. Hiermee is de aankoop van mijn schip formeel afgerond. Een goed moment om je nog eens te bedanken voor de voortreffelijke wijze waarop je het hele verkoop proces geleid hebt. Onder andere de volgende punten maakten het voor mij een aangename ervaring:

– De uitstekende bereikbaarheid en altijd zeer snelle follow up, exact volgens hetgeen overeengekomen was, hetzij telefonisch,via email of d.m.v. besprekingen.

-Een goede actuele website met uitstekende beschrijvingen en foto’s, een werkelijk exacte weergave van de werkelijkheid. Bij interesse in een bepaald schip volgde meer, met uiterst nuttige foto’s van relevante details.

-Een ongekende technische kennis van boten in het algemeen en van de verschillende toonaangevende merken, met hun sterke en zwakke punten in het bijzonder. Na meer dan 50 jaar scharrelen met boten heb ik nog een hoop van je kunnen leren!

-Een zeer goed gevoel voor de markt omstandigheden.

-Zeer goede connecties voor het afhandelen van alle papieren rompslomp, zoals BTW en registratie. Voor buitenlanders een ware nachtmerrie. Met jouw hulp een formaliteit. Ook de onderhandelingen over de BTW grondslag leverden een gunstig resultaat op.
-Prima verkoper/matchmaker, die alles in het werk stelt partijen tot elkaar te brengen met respect voor beider partijen’s uitgangs punten en wensen.

-De beschikking over een gedegen netwerk van personen en bedrijven, die werkzaamheden of ligplaatsen kunnen verzorgen tegen een goede prijs/kwaliteit.

-Eerlijkheid en betrouwbaarheid.

Yiannis, nogmaals bedankt voor al je goede zorgen en adviezen (ik hoop hier nog van tijd tot tijd gebruik van te mogen maken); het was buitengewoon plezierig zaken met je te doen. Het allerbeste en heel veel succes met je zaak.

Met vriendelijke groet

Ysbrand Brouwers

Trotse eigenaar van de ELAN 45 ELIXIR